Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Drum Roll Please...

I've been eating Clean for one week now, except for Sunday, and here's the first week observations!
First of all, I'm down 7.4 pounds!! But the effects go beyond that. My hands are not as puffy, my hands don't go to sleep writing or sewing, my nails are growing quickly and strong, and I just feel....better.
----- side note: after a week of drinking 2 1/2 - 3 liters of water a day, I'm not running to the bathroom every 5 minutes!

Week 2 is underway and brings a few challenges toward the end of the week. Can I eat clean on the road and out of town? I know I can, but will I?

Happy fueling!

~ Suzanne

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Go Suzanne Go!!! I'm so proud of you.

    teach me about this clean diet - I'm not sure I know what it's all about. Is it like the 'live' diet?

    Sarah Lovett

  2. There is a book "The Eat Clean Diet" which is what I'm using mostly as a guide. It's not billed as a diet but a lifestyle, which it should be. In a nutshell, eating clean means eating 5-6 times a day (a protein and complex carbohydrate each time), avoiding processed and refined foods (little to no white flour, added sugar...),eating healthy fats, drinking 2-3 liters of water a day, and not eating things with ingredients that looks like it came from a lab.
