Thursday, January 17, 2013

Vital Tool for Your Eat Clean Toolbox

Eating Clean is easier when you're prepared. There are several "tools" that will help you and I plan on highlighting them occasionally. (I'd like to make a weekly feature, we'll see.)

Today I want to show you my cooler.

Seems silly, me blogging about a cooler, but really it's very important. Too small, you won't have room for food and water, too big, and you're less likely to carry it.
I found this embark cooler at Target. I think it was $15 or so. It's perfect! I can 3-4 meals in here if I need to but it's easy to carry with a shoulder strap. I keep a travel package of hand wipes in one of the side pockets and my little notebook of my plan in the other. In the front pocket I have some gum and a days worth of vitamins. (I always forget to pack them.)
In the main compartment I always have some sort of seeds or nuts and some sea salt. Then I just pile in what is on my plan for the day for when I'll be gone, an ice pack, and head out.
I have a smaller lunch bag that I use occasionally. It's good if I'm just going to have one meal while I'm out. But I like to be over prepared.
If your wanting to Eat Clean, I highly suggest finding a good cooler that you don't mind carrying around. If you work an 8-5 schedule, you'll likely have 3 meals packed in there! Remember, these aren't huge meals. When you eat every 2 1/2 to 3 hours you don't need to stuff yourself! Just a good serving of protein, a complex carbohydrate, and a healthy fat thrown in here and there. And water...don't forget your water!!

Happy fueling!!

~ Suzanne

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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