Sunday, June 2, 2013

"Lose the Weight" and Nightmares!

On Sunday mornings, our current sermon series is titled "Lose the Weight." Now before some of you think my preacher is either brave or stupid, he is talking about the weight of debt, fear, stress, etc. Today was about fear and worry. I have to admit, just beginning this journey, I have a lot of fear, especially having broadcast it to many of my friends. What if this is just like every other time? What if I can't do it? What if I fail? What if I just gain it all back and even more?? What if I never get to eat that cheesy pizza or drink a Pepsi again? That last one is kind of funny, but sadly true! He said there was a study done that concluded that worriers also have active imaginations. I can attest to that! The fear of failing or being deprived are real for me. He gave us two options. Listen to your heart or talk to your heart. If I listen to my heart I am being passive. I will probably eat more of something than I should, skip my workout, or what have you. Instead I need to talk to my heart and remind myself that I am not alone in this journey and think on the positive things that are happening.

Speaking of fear, I had two nightmares last night! The first one was that I woke up at 9:15 my first day of class, which is tomorrow, and my class started at 9:00! I went anyway and she assigned me a 5-page paper on a picture book! (Can you tell what my Master's degree is in?) The 2nd nightmare was truly horrifying for me right now. You know it is one of my commitments to go until June 30th without soda. Well, in my dream someone gave me a drink and I drank it without thinking and it was a soda. I was devastated in my dream, and I mean embarrassingly so! I don't think I would be quite that dramatic in real life. This has become so much a part of my daily life that I am dreaming about it!

My family always goes out to eat on Sunday afternoon. Today we went to Outback. (COUPONS!!) I had the Alice Springs chicken without the honey mustard and Aussie cheese fries. Yes, yes, I added cheese and bacon to my fries. I CAN"T HELP IT! Okay, I CAN help it but I chose not to. I did drink water. That has to count for something, right?

I am going to the gym this afternoon and then making sure I have things to take for lunch this week. I'm trying not to sleep Sunday afternoons away.  When I do I don't sleep well at night and my goal is to be AT THE GYM DOOR at 6:00 in the morning. Don't laugh.

I started reading a new blog by a lady named Carly. Here's a link to her blog. She did a 30 before 30, 30 things she wanted to do before turning 30. I am thinking of doing a 40 before 40. I will be 37 next week, so I have 3 years to accomplish them. I've been working on my list and I have only come up with 20 things so far. So today's question (not that anyone is answering them yet) is what are some things you want to accomplish? I thoroughly plan on stealing any good ones you have.

This is day two of the blogathon. My friend Suzzanne (who has made it into my blog three days in a row now) has a couple of other friends participating in the blogathon too. Here are the links to their blogs. Two Hands and a Roadmap and Writings from the City Line. Check them out if you have a chance.

Today, I leave you with this...


  1. I have come to believe in the power of positive thinking. It takes a lot of work, and sometimes I feel like I'm constantly stopping to give myself a pep talk, but when I think about all of the lies that the world has told me about myself that I've just accepted without dispute in the past 32 years I realize how much I have to overcome and relearn.

    One of the most important things I've learned in the past couple of months is that my heart is good and can be trusted. When I need to stop and give myself a boost and focus on the positive, I am fighting against negative energy/thoughts that come into my mind and they need to be disputed before they can take root. All too often we're led to believe that our hearts are the problem, but deep down they are guiding us in the right direction. The Holy Spirit lives in our hearts, so how can they be bad? We just have to learn how to listen to the voice of God in our hearts. Way easier said than done, but it can be done!

    To keep myself motivated I needed to sit down and write a list of the things that I know about myself deep down in my heart; the truths about me from God. Then during hard periods when it was harder to call those to mind I would read that list to myself. Staying on my diet and turning my trips to the gym into a habit came out of learning the fact that I deserve to be as healthy as I can be and that I deserve good things. Sounds like a give-in, but I think part of our problem is that we start to believe the lies of the world that we're somehow faulty and we just start believing it.

    I'm rambling...sorry. I just thought I'd share those couple of ideas because they helped me stay "motivated" and believe in myself. Every little bit helps :)
