Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My 5 Favorite Apps

Today is the first theme day of the blogathon. We are supposed to blog about our 5 favorite apps. I'll try to connect them to the purpose of this blog.


Lose It is a great app for keeping track of your calories and activity for the day. Best of all, it's free! (At least it was when I got it.) You put your current weight, your goal weight, how much you want to lose a week, and it gives you how many calories you should be getting a day. If you add exercise, it adds those calories you burned to what you can eat for the day. My favorite thing about this app is that you can put your recipes in. Just list the ingredients and amounts, how many servings it makes, and it will tell you the nutrition facts per serving. It is the easiest one I've used for figuring out my own recipes. You can scan barcodes and find almost everything already in the system, which saves a lot of time. I am not using it to keep track of my calories right now because I am using Sparkpeople, but I still use it for my recipes.


Okay, let me just say that this is not my favorite app. I LOVE Sparkpeople online but the app itself isn't capable of doing all that you can do online. The app is very helpful for keeping track of my food and water intake and exercise on the go. Since I am using Sparkpeople as one of the tools I use to stay motivated, it is helpful. This app also allows you to scan barcodes of products. I have found the nutritional information for everything I've scanned so far. That saves a lot of time!


BlogPress: My blog is on and this is the best app I have found for blogging on my phone. It is also incredibly easy to post pictures from my phone (where almost all of my pictures are) to my blog. I can save my blog as an online draft and work on it again from my laptop, and vice versa. You can also manage more than one blog from it.


Pandora? How does this help you lose weight? Music is what gets me through my workout! I love podcasts, but I seriously can't listen to someone talk to me while I'm pedaling my heart to 85% of its max heart rate! I have found so much music on Pandora that I would have never heard on the radio. Lots of these songs have made it onto my exercise playlist.


IntervalTimer is my newest app. I do metabolic training right now. (I promise a blog about it soon!) I do 20 second intervals and this app keeps track of all of it for me. I can also connect it to Facebook, but I haven't done that yet. It doesn't give me the option to only show it to my group.

So, now onto me. I was up at 5:00 and at the gym when it opened! I ate the lunch I packed for myself and then when I got home I fell off the wagon. I ate ice cream and hot fudge, and now I don't have the calories I need for dinner, because I had more than just a little serving. I'm going to eat dinner, but this is a strong reminder that I have to measure and have a little more willpower! I didn't need it, I wasn't even hungry!

Tomorrow I am in a conference all day and I am planning my trip to Blue Coast Burrito. I will have to have a calculated and healthy supper!

Today's question: What is your favorite app?

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